The Real Argentina: Meat and Greet

Don Julio SorrelIt’s a well-known fact that some die-hard vegetarians have returned to the dark side after scenting the meaty whiff of a perfectly seared Argentine steak. Caught between righteous beliefs and the urge to just, try, a, little sliver of lomo (because you’re only in Argentina once, right?), many have fallen at the first hurdle when faced with a parrilla. But for those beef eaters who have no such qualms, how do you choose from the hundreds of steakhouses in Buenos Aires? Here’s our indispensable guide to steaks in the city.

Classic Cuts
Buenos Aires is home to several big hitters, failsafe parrillas that will sear prime cuts in impeccable fashion time and again. Dining at one of these will tick that all-important Argentine steak box, but bear in mind that heaps of tourists make a beeline for these restaurants so it might not be the authentic experience you’re after.

Even if it is a party trick, minds are always blown when La Brigada’s waiters cut four-inch-thick steaks with a mere spoon. This San Telmo eatery started off small but thanks to its flawless cuts, has expanded upwards and outwards like a beef-filled belly over the years. The famished should opt for – and probably share – a kilo of baby beef. Tip: try the offal – La Brigada whips up some of the best kid and beef chitlins in town.

For the rest of this piece, please visit The Real Argentina.

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