Links to my stories by friendly people who like what I write. And also links to my own stories:
France 24: Inside Villa Soldati. Occupiers take over a Buenos Aires park in a quest for housing.
Screen International: Mar del Plata International Film Festival 2010 closes
Time Out HSBC Brazil 500 book contributor
Screen contributor.
Oryx, Qatar Airway’s inflight magazine: Living and breathing polo
Oryx, Qatar Airway’s inflight magazine: Buenos Aires’ own Eden, the 3 de Febrero Park
Awesomestories.com: Interview with Pablo Escobar’s son
Biodiesel news: Fuelling a greener future
Tom Geiger: Interview on my terrace
Topix: First IPO launches in Buenos Aires for two years
Akufen and Micro Mutek 2009
Mendoza Sun: Plane ticket hikes
Nightclubber.com: Electro-lysis
Everytruckjob.com: Argentine government orders truckers back to work
www.fundacionprotejer.com: BAF Week S/S 2010 free from financial worries
Marfici indie film festival May 2009:
BA Fashion Week S/S 2010:
Depeche Mode fan site: Tepid to boiling review