Faux pas

A glass of Sauv Blanc.
See. I refer you to point five of Wining On. Ok, fine, it’s posted below.

5. Living in Argentina means there is always a possibility to give a new brand, label, variety or blend a go.

And off I went to Mike’s Sunday afternoon asado, beers in hand, because those were the leftovers from my flatmate’s birthday party on Saturday night. All in aid of “spring is in the air”, and the welcome return of Nigel Tollerman from a trip to the UK.

I haven’t seen Nige for a while. He runs 0800 Vino delivery service, and as I parked myself up, Nige’s inner (and outer) sommelier emerged, proclaiming “this is an excellent Chardonnay, one of the best on the market.”

Balls. I hate Chardonnay. I find it sticky and sweet in all the wrong ways. Sickly, even. Give me a Pinot Grigio, crisp and fresh and grassy any day, not some lollipop in a wine glass. Ick. (I refer you to point 3a. I dig a juicy Malbec, though a decanted Rutini Malbec 2006 is like a freshly bathed and shaven man – sexy.)

Still. I’m sitting next to the man who is making plans to become a wine master and the man who’s the personal sommelier to Francis Ford Coppola. So I’d better shut down those dirty thoughts and pay attention.

The Pulenta 2008 from Mendoza was a lot crisper than hoped for, and certainly not sickly. I’d call it wheaty in colour, and with pretty decent legs too.

But I fell for the almost-translucent, fresh-faced 2010 Sauvignon Blanc called La Flor (photo) from Mendoza. It did hold pride of place in a cooler, which may have signed me up to its fan club with more gusto, but it was refreshing, light and I guzzled a fare whack of it, despite the fact I was committing the ultimate wine-drinking faux pas by matching beef with a white.

Well, whatever, it worked for me. Rules are made for breaking, aren’t they?

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